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21 - 30/06/2019

This year Stara Rzeźnia [Old Slaughterhouse] turns into the audiovisual centre of the festival. It the place where a visual feast will be given every day with a range of tempting installations, projections and visual activities being served. In the complex of the slaughterhouse, built at the end of 19th century in Poznań, the most important visual works from this year’s Idiom of Malta Festival will be exhibited. 

Stara Rzeźnia [Old Slaughterhouse] intrigues with its appearance and draws many artists with its desolate space. In the 1990s the city slaughterhouse was closed and the buildings started to deteriorate. It was a perfect moment for artists to step in and initiate a range of cultural events, from theatre shows to exhibitions and concerts. During Malta Festival, Stara Rzeźnia [Old Slaughterhouse] has always been the venue for outdoor theatres, shows drawing on various kinds of performances. The courtyard of the slaughterhouse remembers the spectacular Salto Mortale by Teatr Strefa Ciszy or Rabin Maharal i Golem directed by Lech Raczak together with the group Asocjacje 2006. You could also watch there Gisele Vienne’s Jerk or listen to the concert of the music star of Malta Festival 2010, Charlotte Gainsbourg.

For a few years now, Malta Festival has been participating proactively in building “the legend of the slaughterhouse” and livening up its forgotten space.