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21 - 30/06/2019

Minoga („The Lamprey”) is a unique and virtually cult spot in Poznań. Its atmosphere derives from the diverse people that fill its space as well as the countless concerts and musical events that happen there. A concert venue, Scena Pod Minogą („The Lamprey Stage”) can be found on the upper floor. The Dumplings, Low Road, Ścianka, Tymon Tymański and many others have performed there. ORBIS TERTIUS / LECH RACZAK will present their repertoire here at this year's festival.

W 2019 roku na Scenie Pod Minogą zobaczymy spektakl kuratora tegorocznego festiwalu, Nastio Mosquito pt. No one.gives.a.Mosquito's.ass.about.my.gig.